EEMC is partnered with Farabi Technology Middle East LLC who are a leading integrator for Business Process and Integration and a service provider for Enterprise Application Integration. Expertise in legacy integration and impressive record of accomplishment in high-transaction environments made EEMC & Farabi a key enabler to the government, banking, insurance and healthcare, and transportation industries.

Enterprise Application Integration
Enterprise Application Integration utilizing a variety of Microsoft Server Platform solutions including the BizTalk Server, Host Integration Server, Content Management Server and Commerce Server. It can assist you with integrating data from various applications and in putting in place a Business Process Management functionality to help you monitor and manage your business processes.
FARABI Migration & Conversion Utility (MCU)
The Farabi MCU is designed to help clients convert their legacy system data to any application platform using Arabic Windows code pages, flexible data migration tool that convert the legacy systems data
Mobility Solutions
Solutions 4 Mobility, Farabi Technology Middle East’s sister company, provides efficient, reliable and sustainable products and services tailored as per the clients need while providing a solid foundation for the future innovation. S4M has developed several state of the art applications on iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and Windows Phone 8.
In addition, Rocket Software solutions help your organization leverage, optimize, and transform your current systems into powerful tools and applications that run your business. By bringing technology and people together through our domain expertise and solution sets, we help you maximize the value of your IT investment
Secure, scalable browser emulation with optimal performance.
Faster, More Affordable Windows-Based Terminal Emulation
BlueZone HostFront is ideal for providing a high quality, easy to use web interface, to your customer community
DB2 Connectivity
Database Connectivity for DB2 LUW and IBM i.
HiT Software’s high performance standards-based DB2 Connectivity products ODBC, OLE DB, .NET and JDBC product families enable server and client applications to read and write data and provide fast and reliable access to IBM DB2 databases.