With decades of experience and excellence in marketing, supply chain management, regulatory affairs, sales and distribution in healthcare, Alghanim Healthcare is the credible established name in the medical and pharmaceutical Domain. It maintains consistent quality services and knowledgeable databases that provide longevity.
About Al-Ghanim Healthcare
During the covid lockdown, Al-Ghanim Healthcare was faced with a challenge on how to serve its customers. They decided to launch a website that could offer their consumer goods; as these were in high demand and could not be fulfilled by their retail operations.
After the website was completed and launched, they were struggling to anticipate demand on a single hosted server. With slowness during operating hours and over-provisioned when not in use. Furthermore, as this system had to be connected to their ERP for order and stock status – there was a security challenge in syncing the sensitive data between systems.
EEMC migrated their existing website to a highly-available and scalable solution on Amazon EC2 Servers. We then migrated their database into a Amazon Aurora RDS Database within a private VPC for increased security and availability. The next step was to enhance the speed by caching the static content on Amazon Cloudfront; which significantly increased the user experience.
To meet the connectivity requirements, a site-to-site vpn was deployed that allowed seamless and secure access between on-premise and cloud systems without any public facing systems.